Master’s programme in biomedical sciences (MPBS) – FMUI


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Curriculum BY COURSE

As the oldest graduate programme in Biomedical Sciences in Indonesia, the MPBS FMUI has initiated the establishment of the Indonesian Consortium of Biomedical Sciences (KIBI) in 2015, The MPBS curriculum was used as a benchmark to develop the national standardized core substances of curriculum for all Master’s programme in biomedical sciences under the authorization of KIBI. In 2014, the Higher Education Curriculum of UI (KPT UI) formulated the competence-based curriculum which consists of main competences, supporting competences, and other competences. Since 2015, the MPBS FMUI transformed the curriculum from being content-based to a competence-based, and from teacher-centred to student-centred learning. The curriculum was also designed according to research-based learning which emphasizes student undertaking courses based on their research as described in the Healey’s Model (2005). In 2018, the MPBS FMUI implements the outcome-based curriculum in reference to KKNI Level 8 and SN DIKTI 2015 based on constructive alignment with the ELOs towards achieving the MPBS vision and mission. The MPBS 2018 curriculum has been legalized by UI Rector Decree No. 1764/SK/R/UI/2018.

Curriculum BY COURSE

The Alignment of Competences in the 2016 Curriculum (Competence-Based Curriculum) and ELOs in the 2018 Curriculum (Outcome-Based Curriculum) with Course Type (CC = Compulsory Courses; EC = Elective/Concentration Courses; TH = Thesis; PB = Publication)

Curriculum BY COURSE

Curriculum Mapping

The MPBS 2018 curriculum is structured and mapped to demonstrate the connection of all course. The time course of MPBS 2018 curriculum is sequenced to allow the students to accomplish their study in four semesters. Duration of study 4 semesters (2 years), with total 44 credit hours (SKS) and divided into;

Compulsory Courses

17 SKS

Elective Courses

17 SKS





Curriculum BY COURSE

The structure of MPBS 2020 Curriculum

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The MPBS FMUI 2021 curriculum by research has been legalized by UI Rector Decree No. 1444/SK/R/UI/2021.