Master’s programme in biomedical sciences (MPBS) – FMUI



Downloadable Information

Our campus provides a comprehensive range of downloadable information in PDF format to ensure easy access and availability for our students and stakeholders. These downloadable files cover various aspects, including campus regulations, academic programs, scholarship opportunities, tuition fees, and other important documents. Whether it’s obtaining information about our campus facilities, understanding the admission process, or accessing resources related to student services, these downloadable PDF files serve as a valuable resource for individuals seeking detailed and up-to-date information. We strive to maintain an organized and user-friendly collection of downloadable files to facilitate a seamless experience for everyone interested in learning more about our institution.

Decision of the Chancellor of UI Regarding Regular Non-S1 Tuition Fees for the 2022-2023 Academic Year
Bahasa : Keputusan Rektor UI Tentang Biaya Pendidikan Non S1 Reguler Tahun Akademik 2022 2023
Decree of the Director General of Higher Education concerning the Authorization of the Implementation of Masters and Doctoral Study Programs at UI
Bahasa : Keputusan Dirjen DIKTI tentang Pengesahan Penyelenggaraan Prodi Magister dan Doktor di UI
MPBS FMUI Brochure
Bahasa : Brosur PMIB FKUI
UI Rector Regulation No. 5 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Masters Programs at the University of Indonesia
Bahasa : Peraturan Rektor UI No. 5 Tahun 2021 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Program Magister di Universitas Indonesia
UI Degree Scholarships for International Students (UI GREAT)
Bahasa : Beasiswa Gelar UI untuk Siswa Internasional (UI GREAT)
LAM-PTKes Accreditation Certificate 2017-2022
Bahasa : Sertifikat Akreditasi LAM-PTKes PMIB FKUI 2017-2022
Decree of Accreditation for PMIB FKUI 2017-2022
Bahasa : SK Akreditasi LAM-PTKes PMIB FKUI 2017-2022
LAM-PTKes Accreditation Certificate 2022-2027
Bahasa : Sertifikat Akreditasi LAM-PTKes PMIB FKUI 2022-2027
Decree of Accreditation for PMIB FKUI 2022-2027
Bahasa : SK Akreditasi LAM-PTKes PMIB FKUI 2022-2027
ASEAN University Network Certificate 2019-2024
Bahasa : Sertifikat ASEAN University Network 2019-2024